Behind every dream there is a story to tell; This is how PARCE COFFEE ROASTERS was born.

The dream of a whole family from Natal Colombia, from a place full of mountains, towns with a great culture, where the best coffee in the world is grown and whose name has forged the identity of the region; southwestern Antioquia.

We are a company born before the pandemic and in operation 100% since February 2020, one month before the pandemic; We started with the idea of ​​changing the coffee model that existed in the most important Latin restaurant chain in South Florida: the Balcon de las Américas, where we changed the model from traditional coffee to 100% Colombian coffee.

Behind every dream there is a story to tell; This is how PARCE COFFEE ROASTERS was born. 

The dream of a whole family from Natal Colombia, from a place full of mountains, towns with a great culture, where the best coffee in the world is grown and whose name has forged the identity of the region; southwestern Antioquia.

We are a company born before the pandemic and in operation 100% since February 2020, one month before the pandemic; We started with the idea of ​​changing the coffee model that existed in the most important Latin restaurant chain in South Florida: the Balcon de las Américas, where we changed the model from traditional coffee to 100% Colombian coffee.

At that time we began importing roasted coffee directly from Colombia, but the beginning of the pandemic made us reinvent ourselves in order to “survive” it, and in this way we began to “roast” green coffee, so the learning process we have done so far it is to delve into barismo, roasting, cupping and maintenance of espresso machines and grinds on demand.

Already being in 2021 after having overcome that difficult year 2020 we see that already being roasters we must transmit our process counting on direct relationships with producers in Colombia, the manufacturing process in small batches, the quality of the handmade process and all this accompanied by the Colombian coffee culture.

That is why “Parce Coffee Roasters” was born as a union of all the above hand in hand with a very Colombian word (originated in our native Antioquia) that transmits friendship and camaraderie.

Until now we have worked with washed, honey and natural coffees, soon we hope to also have different varietals and more elaborate processes such as special fermentations and even competition coffees

The direct relationship with the producers and the specialness of our lots allows us to offer the best Colombian specialty coffees to all our customers.

Website designed by Maver Bandera



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