In this article we will tell you some curiosities about Colombian coffee that you probably did not know

– One of the peculiarities in the sowing of Colombian coffee is due to the fact that 1 out of every 3 coffee growers is a woman, some professionals, businesswomen, baristas, community leaders, even owners of farms, all committed to the same goal; make the best coffee in the world.

Hearing the voices of women coffee growers allows us to discover that there are new leaders in the field, and that the commitment goes beyond making our coffee; the commitment is with the whole world and with the economic and social development of all Colombian families.

– The process of harvesting coffee in Colombia is done manually, while in other countries such as Brazil, coffee is produced and harvested automatically. This peculiarity is what makes us stand out in the whole world, because, in the manual harvesting process, we can choose the grains that are in perfect condition and make the cup a delicacy.

– To guarantee a good harvest, in the process it must be verified that the collectors do not harvest green fruits, a maximum of 20 fruits in that condition can be tolerated for each kilogram, which must undergo separation methods to prevent them from entering the fermentation tank and /or drying, since they usually have effects on the rate by transferring undesirable flavors.

– Another curious fact about our coffee is that in order to obtain a pound of 100% Colombian coffee, it is necessary to collect approximately 1,900 cherries in optimal condition or maturity. That is why we value the hard effort of our coffee growers who work day by day to obtain the best fruits.

– In Colombia there are 2 seasons to obtain the largest harvest, this is between April and June and between September and December. The period of greatest harvest is called the main harvest, while the second period and the one with the lowest volume is called the mitaca or traverse harvest.

– To calculate the production of each lot, between 5 and 10 trees are randomly chosen per lot, the ripe fruits of each tree are collected and weighed; then the weight of the fruits is added and divided by the number of trees harvested, which results in the kilograms to be harvested per tree.

That number of kilograms of coffee per tree is multiplied by the number of trees in the lot and the final result will be the kilograms to collect in said lot.

All this work is done 4 days before the harvest begins in order to organize the number of collectors required and the necessary sacks or coconuts.

– Two million Colombians live from coffee, which represents 5% of the population, currently 974 thousand hectares are cultivated with coffee plantations and some 560 thousand families depend on this activity.

– In 1960 Colombia was already the world’s second largest producer of coffee, however, in those years, several producing countries began to decline and due to this a world pact was produced between these countries with the aim of regulating production and avoiding the fall of prices all over the world.

However, by the end of the 1980s, this pact was broken, producing a period of serious imbalances in grain prices.

– Legend has it that coffee in Colombia is around 300 years old and it was thanks to the Jesuit priest Francisco Romero.

– It is said that the best coffee in Colombia is grown in the south, in Huila; In this place there is the highest quality coffee farm.

Although there are many facts and curiosities behind a good cup of Colombian coffee, something that we must highlight is the work of those behind this wonderful guild, from the coffee grower with his work and dedication, to the master roaster who highlights his aromas and flavors, without forgetting the mother who teaches her children to take the first sip.

Thank you Colombia for giving us the happiness of enjoying a good coffee in every sip, we can remember from anywhere in the world all the aromas and memories of our childhood in the coffee farms.

Learn with us how to live all those aromas and flavors that only Colombian Coffee can give you.

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